
Six-part Series
Social Determinants of Health

Certain external conditions, often beyond an individual’s direct control, are referred to as the social determinants of health, and they have the potential of affecting the health of your patients. These conditions, contributing to individuals’ health inequity and inequalities at all levels, encompass where a patient lives and works; socioeconomic policies, systems, and norms; and more. This course discusses how the five pillars of the social determinants of health impact the daily delivery, accessibility, and engagement of health-improvement efforts. It also presents strategies for assessing the social determinants of health that may be affecting your patient population, how to increase awareness and interest in these determinants, and ways to engage patients, stakeholders, and other providers in addressing social determinants of health. (1.00)

Visit PHYINS.COM/EDUCATION and search “Social Determinants of Health” to view the full series.

Workplace Harassment

Ensuring that employees are free from harassment in a safe and healthy work environment is key to achieving your company’s goals. This course examines various types of workplace harassment, the basic skills needed to understand and deal with such situations, and information concerning your role in ensuring a harassment-free work environment. (1.25)

Sexual Harassment for Employees

Sexual harassment makes it hard for workers to feel comfortable and perform their jobs. It also creates problems for employers. This course discusses what sexual harassment is, how to recognize it in the workplace, how it affects individuals and organizations, and what actions to take in response to it. This information will help employees in any industry be better equipped to deal with sexual harassment. (.50)

Sexual Harassment for Supervisors

This course is designed to provide greater awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace, steps to take to prevent it, and methods to deal with it if it does occur. The course will focus on federal laws, liability issues, harassment policies, employee rights, supervisor responsibilities, and investigation procedures. The content in this course is applicable to supervisors in all settings. (1.00) 

Visit PHYINS.COM/EDUCATION and search “harassment” to view the full series.

Human Trafficking: Identification and Assessment of Victims

Human trafficking is widespread, even within the United States. Victims come in all sexes, genders, nationalities, and ethnicities. This form of modern slavery includes domestic, industrial, and farm labor, but the majority of U.S. victims are unwilling participants in the sex trade. This module covers the information, tools, and resources your healthcare team needs to identify, assess, and treat victims of human trafficking. It also provides referral resources for legal and social services. (1.00)

Human Trafficking: Forced Labor

Human trafficking has been reported in countless industries, including construction, agriculture, hotels, restaurants, nail salons, and domestic servitude. Studies show that while they are still being victimized, many victims interact with medical professionals. This course discusses how to spot red flags, what to do if you suspect that someone is being trafficked, and how to better understand the complexities of human trafficking. By recognizing the signs and gently working with potential victims, you may be able to help get them to freedom. (1.00)

Visit PHYINS.COM/EDUCATION to learn about the CME that is included with your Physicians Insurance policy at no additional cost.