Introduction to Telehealth (0.75)
Source: Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)
This modular, telehealth primer is relevant to the Pacific Northwest area and includes statistics from OHSU's telehealth program implementation. By the end of this lesson, viewers should be able to:
• Describe the spectrum of telehealth modalities, including synchronous vs. asynchronous care platforms
• Define "webside" manners and employ them to conduct a more effective patient encounter
• Identify limitations of digital visits and strategies to mitigate them.
• Follow current rules and regulations pertinent to telehealth
• Understand the “digital divide” and use an inclusive and critical mindset in the practice of telehealth
Getting Online with Telehealth: Practical Guidance for Physician Practices
Source: PYA
PYA’s panel of experts provides guidance that physician practices can use to roll out, or further tap into, the telehealth opportunity as presenters discuss technology options and speed-to-implementation, solutions to process challenges, and patient engagement.
Courses: Telehealth
Visit to search complimentary courses such as:
• Clinical Assessment via Telehealth Applications (1.50)
• Ethical and Legal Guidelines for Telehealth (1.00)
• Telehealth in Clinical Practice (1.50)
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