The Policyholder and Claims Committee: What Is It, and What Makes it Different?

At the heart of Physicians Insurance’s claims approach is our Policyholder and Claims Committee. Formed at the inception of Physicians Insurance in 1981, this committee is now made up of 20 top physicians representing primary care, hospitals, surgery, and various other specialties. These physicians are not only leaders in their field with extensive expertise, but they are also committed to improving the practice of medicine overall.

Success in Court

We’re proud to report on our recent successes in court. Each defense verdict is a product of teamwork, dedication, and expertise. Thank you for your partnership in service to our members.

Visit our Trial Results web page to learn more about our most recent defense verdict, an allegation of wrongful death due to improper performance in an interventional radiology case. 

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What is MedChoice?

MedChoice logoMedChoice: Our engine for nationwide expansion 

With our 2015 formation of MedChoice, Physicians Insurance expanded to provide coverage and services to physicians and healthcare facilities beyond the Pacific Northwest. MedChoice is a risk-retention group rated A- (Excellent) by A.M.

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